Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kicked off my shoes and...

Time: 46 minutes
Distance: 3 miles
Equipment: Treadmill
Conditions: Indoors
Footwear: Socks

Impressed? I doubt it. Happy with myself? YES!

Running 3 miles isn't a huge feat. And it is less than what most runners would get excited about. But what made today different was that I did it in socks. It was my first attempt at a barefoot form/forefoot strike. I took it nice and easy, hence the 15 minute mile pace. This is just the beginning and I don't want to push too hard too fast. Running barefoot is like relearning how to run. New form, new technique and definitely new muscles to be strengthened.

At mile 2 I could really start to feel a difference in my form and the effect on my body, for the better. My feet were a little tired. But at mile 2 on a typical run, I usually can feel discomfort in my left knee from 'runner's knee.' I didn't feel any discomfort, even by the end, which is fantastic and exactly what I was hoping for. My calves felt tired at about 2.5 miles, like a stiffness I wasn't used to. I think this will probably continue until my calves are much stronger in this form. I didn't ever feel out of breath, which is great! Of course, partially that can be attributed to my very slow pace, but still, I only barely broke a sweat after mile 2 and it was never drippy, yuck.

Something I always pay attention to when I am running, whether at the Gym or outside is how many "kills" I have. It must have something to do with my competitive side. I have a great desire to improve myself physically and part of that is to overcome my 'opponent.' Of course, whoever they are, they have no idea I am their opponent, but somehow, it makes me feel more accomplished. So today? 6 kills. In the time I was on the treadmill, 6 people got on and back off the neighboring treadmills and ellipticals. Now, I am sure anyone reading this can easily recognize that my 15 minute pace, was well, nothing to brag about. It's not about bragging, for me, it's about motivation. My motivation, to, well, go for longer since I knew I wasn't going to go faster while trying my new form.

After the run, I felt great. I spent a lot of time stretching, just to be sure my legs won't be hating me tomorrow.

What motivates you? Any other ideas for staying motivated since Running is a sport where you have to push yourself? Have you tried Barefoot Running? Do you have any chronic injuries you'd like to see gone forever?

Goals: Increase my barefoot distance.

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